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How to help rough sleepers in hot weather

Rough sleeping is dangerous all year-round, but during heatwaves people sleeping rough are at further risk of sunstroke, dehydration and heat exhaustion.

Rough sleepers often choose to sleep during the day rather than at night, which can expose them to particularly high temperatures.

Here's some advice on how you can help someone on the street.

Offer water, sun cream and help them to find shade

Stop and offer people water and ask them if they would like you to buy them some sun cream to stay protected in the sun. You can also suggest that they find a shaded place out of direct sunlight.

Refer them to Crawley Open House

You can also refer rough sleepers to Streetlink​, an app and helpline that connects rough sleepers with local support and services.

Contact the emergency services

If you are worried that someone is in immediate danger, then call 999.

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