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1. Who are you and what did you do before you joined us at Crawley Open House as a trustee? 

Paul RoeOld Fashioned general practice accountant, a partner since 1997, at the local office of Kreston Reeves since 2007. 


​2. How will you help our clients with the job experience in your current position? 

Accountancy is not really about numbers, but rather people and words. Every number has both behind it! I built up an extensive network of professional contacts, I hope to leverage that network for the benefit of our clients and service users. 


3. Are you originally from Crawley? How did you hear about COH? 

Nearly, grew up in Horley, and have always been local except three years at Lancaster Uni ….. given part of the answer to the final question, readers will not be surprised honours degree was History and Politics!!

First became aware of COH through the work of Ian Wilkins at various networking events. It’s rewarding joining Ian for COH at some such events now.

4. Why choose to be a trustee at COH? 

I’ve volunteered for about 18 months, since retiring from counting beans. I felt I have enthusiasm and commitment to offer, and might enhance each role from seeing both perspectives.


5. What were some of your expectations before joining COH? 

An opportunity to learn from the Trustees, (hopefully, every day is a school day)! Having seen a little of COH operations as a volunteer, it would be good to contribute a little more.


6. Like at any job, being a trustee at COH can become stressful sometimes, so what do you do for fun?  

- Lurve travel, largely to cities or large towns that have plenty of museums and lots to do.
- I do feel the need for speed ….. quad biking, UTV driving, and even electric scooters where it is legal.
- Cooking
- Banging a drum in a local Samba Band is a g
reat stress reliever!
- Reading, always history, mainly military, never fiction.
- I’ve been a Crawley Town FC season ticket holder for some years … although often that can be a stress inducer!!!

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